“Most hiring failures are due to lack of soft skills”
Over twelve years, we have accumulated a strong market intelligence in Utilities & Energy fields, which helps us to find the right profile in a relatively short period of time.
Once the potential candidates are identified, we use an effective and thorough selection process to provide the best match possible for your company culture, business, and values.
We employ both traditional headhunting methods and modern search tools, making the identification process faster than ever before. However, the subsequent selection processes have become more complex to ensure we secure the best profiles. We collaborate with two different and independent accredited assessment companies to evaluate our final candidates. This approach minimizes risk and avoids conflicts of interest.
Aridan Executive Search Sàrl - Route des Acacias 48, 1227 Carouge, GE, Switzerland - contact@aridan.ch - +41 22 777 7979